See this important information about searching for patents. Traduire cette page juil. Title, Return patents with the patent title.
Classification, Return patents with the current U. Comma separated list . In many ways the patent number is the magic key to the patent information system.
Because patent numbers are often found on manufactured . No full-text available. A “ patent number search ” simply involves searching for a specific patent number. Unlike a regular U. This is helpful for users who have a particular U. RECORDS OF THE PATENT OFFICE RELATING TO NUMBERED.
Currency of information area. Parent agency : U. You can also search for supplementary protection certificates by their number.
Technical, legal and business information about patents. Quick access to patent information databases and other helpful resources. The answer is a patent search of the U. The number of stars in the list indicates perceived relevance, and an. Interested in regular updates? To download a copy of a patent from the U. XXXXXXX where XXXXXXX is the .